Check this out.

Check this out.

This is CSC's Canon 7D PL Mod. Not the Hot Rod, this one was precision made in Germany and it just feels awesome in your hand. 


This kit rents for 300 a day, minus the Master Primes of course ;) That's so cheap and if you've already got a set of PL lenses for your A cam, you can get another angle for another 300 bucks. The only downside to this is that it's the 7D! You could probably get away with it for a 30 sec spot or some web vid but I wouldn't want to go there for anything even slightly substantial. They would love to be able to offer the 5D this way but the sensor is too big for most motion picture format lenses so vignetting is a real problem. Bummer. 

Alice & The White Hair, 5D Mark II Film

Alice & The White Hair, a 5D Mark II Film

Alice & The White Hair A Film By Wyatt Denny from David Myrick on Vimeo.

I found this cool Canon 5D Mark II film by Wyatt Denny and David Myrick and thought I'd pass it on. It's a very experimental and graphicky piece with lots of beautiful lighting effects and bright, saturated colors. It reminds me of some of the content they used to show at ResFest years ago. You remember Res? That was a really great publication and I was sad to see it go. The  size and price of the Mark 2 makes it extremely attractive to these kind of DIY, experimental productions. The camera is infinitely mountable and with readily available painterly lenses like the Canon L Series primes, you can create some very high production value on a very modest budget. Righteous.

Brilliant Video Journalism with a Canon Digital Rebel

Brilliant Video Journalism with a Canon Digital Rebel

I love this guy's work. Anyone who doesn't think these cameras have a huge role to play in future image acquisition is just nuts. To be able to tell a story like this in such a high quality way with such low impact tools is really incredible.

And as the market is now driving the manufacturers, the technology is only going to get better.