Great RED footage


Great RED footage

I just spent a week with the RED ONE and I have a lot of thoughts about the system. Because of the hype surrounding the camera and its relative low price, there are a lot of people out there who have it in their possession and have no idea what to do with it. These people are posting very very bad footage to sites such as RED RELAY and REDUSER. Here's something I found that actually looks pretty good.

This guy realized that the Tungsten balance of the camera isn't great so he gelled his lights to bring them closer in line to the camera's natural white point at around 5000k. He also knew that the camera has a bizarre sensitivity to infrared light so he used an IR filter to cut it and capture more natural skintones. Without this filter, RED's skintones are often an oddly saturated salmon color. Hideous. This issue continues to work towards resolution though with every new camera build.

Stay tuned for more.